Throughout the 1970s, the United States went through a lot of change both politically and as a society. One way the US changed was through women’s rights. Organizations such as NOW started to create awareness on the discrimination towards women in the workplace. One example of this is the equal rights amendment. Even though this amendment was not passed, it still created a big impact on the life of women. Women had more benefits and work since maternity leave was not secured and fair divorce laws enacted. There were also more women’s study programs introduced and the number of female elected officials increased. Another change was affirmative action. Throughout the 1970s, minorities started to speak out for equality. Acts like the Equal Employment Opportunity Act and the Bakke v. University of California were ways in which the minorities could gain equality. In the Bakke vs. University of California, the Supreme Court decided that the university could not use fixed quotas in making admissions decisions. Lastly there was also some religious Reawakening throughout the 1970s. Some examples of this are the fact that there were many religious groups at the time. one of the most famous religious leaders is Martin Luther King Jr. These groups spoke out for equality in a peaceful way.
The correct answer among all the other choices is B success since he helped increase knowledge of the new lands. Hudson’s journeys are considered success since he helped increase knowledge of the new lands. Thank you for posting your question. I hope that this answer helped you. Let me know if you need more help.
The purpose of government is to help people establish rules so that everyone benefits from the social structure and to protect its citizens.
Given that the government is a body of recognized individuals who were given the authority or constitutional power to govern a certain place or region.
In other words, the government is a body of officials whose role is to govern or administer the affairs of its people, particularly in that area.
Hence, in this case, the correct answer is The purpose of government is to help people establish rules so that everyone benefits from the social structure and to provide protection to its citizens.
If the system were being designed today, such a design probably would be rejected as unfair. Part of the problem is that the Framers were dealing with a less lopsided distribution. The ratio between most populous state and least populous stat in 1789 was about 7 to 1. Today, the ratio between California and Wyoming population is 50 to 1.
But the Senate made sense to the Framers in 1787 for a particular reason. At that time, all 13 former colonies were like independent nations or independent countries. They could mint their own coins, print their own money, and conduct international diplomacy directly with other nations. There are lots of reasons this was unsatisfactory. It produced economic chaos and a poor prospect of winning future wars, but it did give each state the status of a country.
Now, imagine you’re a small state like New Hampshire. Right now, you completely control your own destiny. Why do you want to join a Union unless you’re guaranteed a strong voice in that Union? Now, all the arguments that people still have about the Electoral College (“The big states would push all the little states around!”) actually do apply.
It is the Senate that does a superb job… if anything TOO good a job… of protecting “small states rights.” You can argue that it is an unfair system, and it probably is… but the point is this: In 1787, the question of how to get small states like New Hampshire to join this new Union, which was after all seemed like a risky experiment, was a big problem.
It’s really for political reasons, not absolute fairness, that the Senate was created in such a way as to give equal representation to each state. It seemed necessary in 1787. But there were lots of things that could not be foreseen, such as the rise of a strong national culture and the eventually lopsided ratios between the most populous and least populous states.
Now, let me address the “House of Representatives” question. How can the Senate be based on 2-senators-per-state while the House is based on population?
It's D. The victory helped the colonists believe that they could win the war.