This statement is saying, females and males have the same role and carry the same 'weight' in society. Even today, we see the unequality of these two genders today. For example, females are still held the assumption to stay at home, while males are out working business. This shows that males hold more weight than females, and that females aren't the same wheel on the same cart.
In four countries, the gap between male and female literacy among the adult population is greater than 30 percent: Yemen (male literacy rate 73.1 percent, female 34.7 percent, difference 38.4 percent), Central African Republic (male 64.8, female 33.5, difference 32.3), Afghanistan (male 43.1, female 12.6, difference 30.5), and Togo (male 68.7, female 38.5, difference 30.2).
Cost shifting is defined as the process where using of excess revenues from one set of services or patients to subsidize other services or patient groups.
Answer: Option C
The main process where a health institute or a hospital gives service to the patient and if the patient is charged more than that of what is noted on the bill than the following process is called as Cost Shifting. And this situation is occurred with the patient who have health insurance.
Hope this is the right Calderon your talking about lol.
Calderón served as National President of the party, Federal Deputy, and Secretary of Energy in Vicente Fox's cabinet. He served in the cabinet of the previous administration until he resigned to run for the presidency and secured his party's nomination.