The number of eggs laid by a chicken depends on a number of factors mainly includes the food it is being fed upon and it is properly fertilized or not.
Other factors also impact the egg laying capacity in chicken such as time of the year that means the number of daylight hours effect the egg laying capacity. The breeds of chicken also determine the number of eggs it lays. The age of hen is also a key important variable in terms of egg laying as maximum eggs are laid in the initial couple of years and then it decreases with age.
Carbon and Nitrogen cycle are the two important cycle that organisms need..
Carbon cycle is a process where carbon from the atmosphere travels to the organisms , carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is used by plants for the process of photosynthesis.
Through the process of photosynthesis it enters in the plant body and then it enters to the body of the heterotrophs. Again through the process of respiration and decomposition it goes to the atmosphere. This is referred to as the short term process . Some also enters in long- run process such as fossil fuels.
Nitrogen is a crucial part of many cells such as protein, amino acid as well as DNA.
The process of converting nitrogen into various chemicals and then it gets circulated in the atmosphere , terrestrial as well as marine ecosystem. The process is carried by both physical as well as biological process such as nitrification, fixation.
Its a herbivore eating the grass
1 mR
A photostimulable phosphor is a kind of phosphor that can store data produced by X-beams. At the point when a photostimulable phosphor is energized by X-beams, electrons and gaps are produced. A few fell procedures are conceivable:
A processed radiography framework utilizes the invigorated light produced from the photostimulable phosphor. A red laser with satisfactory force and the right wavelength examines the outside of the phosphor screen. The animated light rising up out of the screen surface can be gathered by a photomultiplier cylinder and changed over to a computerized sign for demonstrative purposes.