When interest rates are increased, borrowing money becomes more expensive. This translates into both individuals and buisnesses having to slow down their enconomic growth, because financing their activities or production also becomes more expensive.
The Federal Reserve has the <u>double-task</u> of keeping prices manageable in a flourishing economy while keeping unemployment as low as possible. When there's inflation, it's been proven that slowing down the economy by increasing interest rates, tends to reduce inflation. That's why it's a good option. We have to keep in mind, however, that this will raise unemployment as a collateral effect.
As you can see, there's no easy answer when it comes to balancing all factors at the same time.
Hope this helps!
I believe the answer is: 1500
The drama usually depict the lives of japanese people during the Muromachi or Tokigawa period. Even until today, noh drama is still considered to be a major theatre in japan, could be easily identified by the usage of conventional gestures and unique masks to separate different roles, such as ghosts, children. elderly, etc.
John Brown who was an American abolitionist that believed in the violent overthrow of the slavery system. He did not agree with pacifist organized abolitionist movement so he commanded anti-slavery forces before the beginning of the American Civil War. John Brown rented a house from the husband of the woman for whom Grace Park in Akron, Ohio, is named. Grace Tod Perkins' husband was Colonel Simon Perkins who was an American businessman, farmer, state senator, and entrepreneur. He began the Perkins Stone Mansion in 1835, and in 1837 Perkins' family moved in. Perkins imported the best breeds of sheep to his farm and hired John Brown to oversee them. Perkins and Brown established the Perkins & Brown firm, but the business went bunckrupcy and Perkins absorbed most of the loss.
Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero.