Reproducibility is important because it is the only thing that an investigator can guarantee about a study. Contrary to what most press releases would have you believe, an investigator cannot guarantee that the claims made in a study are correct (unless they are purely descriptive) So reproducibility is important not because it ensures that the results are correct, but rather because it ensures transparency and gives us confidence in understanding exactly what was done.
Cancer in general...What cancer is...Where can cancer spread to...When to get checkups...and How can someone seek appropriate treatment and the help they need that is emotionally and physically.
In my opinion, self control is like trying to controll the urge to get whatever your heart desires.Amygdala is a part of the brain that is related to controlling emotions.
The cell as a system contains the organelles sites of most cells active. Assembly line where workers do Endoplasmic Reticulum
This question lacks options, options are:
a) indirect
b) mosaic
c) determinative
d) regulative
e) direct.
The correct answer is d.
The egg (ovum) like the embryo during the first embryonic divisions, do not possess any sign of polarity. This development mechanism can be called regulative development(in contrast to the mosaic model) since the fate of the cells that originate is not fixed and can be modified during development. In regulative embryos, part of the embryo can be removed and the remaining cells can compensate for the loss and give a complete individual as the final product.The strongest evidence that continues to support this regulatory model is based on the plasticity or potential that mammalian cells possess before implantation. It is known that the blastomeres produced by the first divisions can be replaced with each other or even can be eliminated without apparently altering the embryonic development and therefore they are equivalent (without polarity).