d. alveolar ventilation rate
Alveolar Ventilation rate (AVR) refers to the rate of airflow that reaches the alveoli which is available for gas exchange with the blood in a given unit of time. AVR is generally calculated as the amount in millimeters of air expired that equilibrates (i.e., exchanges) with alveolar gas per min unit (ml/min). AVR is affected by breathing frequency, tidal volume ( i.e., the normal amount of air between inhalation and exhalation), and the amount of dead space in the lungs.
Multi cellular organisms like animals are eukaryotes
There is 2 types of amylase. But they have to same function which is to digest starch to Maltose. They r salivary amylase and pancreatic amylase.
Salivary amylase is produced in the salivary glands, while pancreatic amylase is produced in the pancreas
Answer is c bruh
you could have googled it to but i guess this is easier