The Earth has a tilt of 23.5 degrees on its axis. This tilt causes the seasons because certain parts of the Earth are naturally tilted towards the Sun more depending on the Earth's location in its revolution around the Sun. The Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn are located at 23.5º North and South of the equator respectively, and this number comes from the tilt.
Earthquakes and tsunamis are caused by pressure building up in the Earth's crust along the intersection of tectonic plates, while tornadoes are created by updrafts and downdrafts interacting with wind.
As the sedimentary and igneous and metamorphic rocks are distinct from each other as they appear on the landscape but show similar internal properties and thus allowing us to recognize them from a distance.
<u>Sedimentary Rocks range from shake sandstone to limestone and conglomerate. While Metamorphic i.e foliated being Slate, Phyllite, Schist, and Gneiss, etc. While the Nonfoliated Metamorphic rocks are Quartzite and Marble</u>.
Rocks revolve in there set rock cycle forming distinctive and newer rocks over the geologic time scale of earth. As each rock type is altered with force to produce the fro example a basalt rock when subducted and could be merged with the mantel to form in the water cycle.
As these are called secondary changes in the evolutionary phases of rocks which then can<u> transition into metamorphic rocks through the process of mountain building in the orographic belt</u>s.
As a result, other rocks are recrystallized to form a sedimentary rock in its next phase which is unstable and subject to weathering. Transitions deeply impact the chemical and physical properties of rocks.