Well, here is a hint. Anything ending in (.com) is not usually trustworthy, because they are usually trying to sell something, or are just not accurate. (.gov) is trust worthy I guess, but they are telling you what you want to hear. (WIKI IS NOT TRUSTWORTHY AT ALL) (.edu) would be the best, or (.org)
A: concerns about Catholic succession.
The revolution began due to the intention of King James II to impose the Catholic religion as the official religion of the Kingdom, for this reason Parliament requested the son-in-law of James II, the Dutch prince William of Orange, to take power from the kingdom.
On April 21 , 1898 the united states declared war against spain
the reason for war were many , butsl there were two immediate ones:
1) Americans support by cuban and filipinos against spanish rule
2) The mysterious explosion of the battleship U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor.
The Civil Service is the exam held once a year according to the Pendleton Act.
According to the Pendleton Act, Government jobs are provided based on the merit of the candidate that can be analysed through a competitive exam. The Pendleton Act was passed in the year 1883.
Pendleton Act was mainly established to remove illegal process of entry of employees in the Government sector. The civil service system was mainly established to select non - military as well as non - elected person so that they can work for the people.