Lazarus, in her poem, ‘Heroes, an inspiring work’ emphasizes the fact that some people who accept their lives as it is should receive more appreciations. Whereas, Wilcox, in her poem, explains that there is no necessity to accept life as it is. She strongly believes that if someone commits an error, they must try to resolve it. She also explains that it is not a bad idea to rebuild a life again. The following lines illustrate her strong approach towards regret,
''If he will stand firm on the grave of his errors,
And instead of regretting, resolve, resolve.
The answer is James Gatz assumed the identity of Jay Gatsby to impress Dan Cody and took this opportunity to reinvent himself into the inspirational figure of his imagination. James Gatz was the son of poor North Dakota farmers and always felt that he was destined for something greater than his shiftless parents could provide. Hey mate don’t believe in links they are virus
Which type of report? ( book report, news report....which one are you doing?)
Either the 2nd or 3rd bullit point
I think the answer is B memorable if you said a long speech im not going to remember it because it was to long. Now if you said a shoert speech then i would remember becasue it is easier because it's shorter