The judiciary consists of Supreme Court and the associated lower courts. Every country has its own Judicial Structure. The most common Judicial structure consists of a Supreme Court, which is the most highest court of the country. Then there comes the High Court which is under supreme court, then comes the Civil court and the associated other lower courts. The supreme court has the power to make amendments in the laws if anything is happening against the constitution. Supreme court can determine what federal laws mean, and can revert or overturn them if they are unconstitutional. Supreme Court is the Supreme Authority and has the supreme powers in a Judiciary and country.
The fight against racism in American society is still prevalent. History witnessed the struggle of the African Americans who have received the legislative reforms from time to time to enhance their greater participation but continued to fight an equal status to their white counterparts.
Though slavery was abolished voting rights were secured in the nineteenth century, there was still discrimination against the black people who resist their social and economic mobility. Civil rights laws of the 1950's and 1960's enhance their participation in public life but racial attacks were still prevalent throughout the 20th century.
Mexico´s distribution of income as measured by Gini´s Coefficient, has remained unchanged for the last 150 years. Since the 1980s, business leaders were aware that a turn to leftist ideologies would appear after the turn of the century (third millenium), as it actually did. Neoliberalism has been the main ideology since the early 1990s, widening the gap between the affluent and non-affluent. Now Mexico has elected a leftist President, starting December 1st 2018.
The government borrows funds by selling Treasury bonds, notes, and bills. When governments run budget surpluses, what is done with the extra funds? The funds can be used to pay down the national debt or else be refunded to the taxpayers. You just studied 52 terms!
Why is a budget surplus not necessarily a good thing? It means tax rates may be too high. Why does the federal debt tend to increase during periods of recession? Economic activity decreases, which decreases revenues and increases outlays.