Answer: B. graphs
Jamie can use graphs to describe the data she enter such as names, grades and the scores of the group of students. In addition, using graphs will allow the reader to create visualization of the data, which will help the reader to easily understand and define the main purpose of the data entered.
Most <u>Malware</u> focus on gaining entry over the internet to a secure computer system by finding a working user ID and password combination.
A malware is a small computer program which works on the user’s system without knowing to the user. Different malware works differently.
Some malware sits on the user computer, create multiple unnecessary files and make the hard drive full, some people create viruses to show their computer skills which they tend to prove in a wrong way, some malware sits in the computer to steal data especially while using internet.
So there are malware's like Virus, Worm, Trojan, spyware, etc.
System software is software on a computer that is designed to control and work with computer hardware. The two main types of system software are the operating system(Windows,Linux,Mac OS) and the software installed with the operating system, often called utility software (Anti virus, Disk formatting, Computer language translators) . In some cases, the operating system and utility software depend on each other to function properly.
Some system software is used directly by users and other system software works in the background. System software can allow users to interact directly with hardware functionality, like the Device Manager and many of the utilities found in the Control Panel.
It's Insert. Insert > Page > Insert Page
type of malware that is often disguised as legitimate software. Trojans can be employed by cyber-thieves and hackers trying to gain access to users' systems. Users are typically tricked by some form of social engineering into loading and executing Trojans on their systems.
Explanation its malware