They find them selves isolated from the world
They become more shy in school or work places
-Discrimination at work place
-Wage gap
-Social expectations to have children
-Domestic violence
-Assault danger
Women are still not socially seen the same as men. Society has different observations and expectations of women and men, and there are some dangers and obstacles that are specific to the female gender. Some of the problems modern women can list are:
- <u>Job discrimination </u>– in various countries, a wage gap still exists and women are still less paid than men. This happens even in Western countries. <u>Women are also more likely to be laid off the job when they get pregnant and need parental leave.</u>
- <u>Expectations as a mother</u> – <u>the role of women are still connected with the idea of motherhood.</u> In cases when women do not want or can’t have children, she is often the subject of social discrimination (considered to be selfish and incompetent). It is as if her true natural role is not completed.
- <u>Assault danger</u> –<u> many women are in danger of assault.</u> Women are the main victims of domestic assault, <u>as well as in greater danger when they are walking alone, during the night, etc</u>. There are specific assaults and people that target only women.
In most parts of the world, (except for Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and Yemen, which are majorly Shiite) the majority of Muslims are Sunni Muslims. The great majority of Muslims in the united states are Sunni Muslims.
King George the 3rd rejecting the Olive Branch petition
In 1775, colonists attempted to make peace with King George but King George refused. It's even been speculated he flat out didn't even read it. Ouch