The Court held that, except in areas in which armed hostilities have made enforcement of civil law impossible, constitutional and civil rights may not be suspended and civilians subjected to the vagaries of military justice.
The flying buttress is a characteristic of Gothic art.
Malacca was one of the three key-points with Goa and Hormuz, which gave Portugal the control over the main Asiatic trade routes. After the conquest Albuquerque immediately ordered the building of a fortress on the south side of the river. This fortress was called “A Famosa” and it was finished in November 1511.
take the case to the United States Supreme Court
From the scenario given, it can be inferred that the case has been decided at the court of the first instance, which is the lower court.
Also, the court has been decided at the first appellate court, which is the court of appeals. Then If Wag's lawyer wants to appeal this decision, (, the decision of the court of appeal) he will " take the case to the United States Supreme Court."
This is because it is the Supreme Court that has jurisdiction over the appeal courts.
Note: since it is not specified that the case is exclusive of the state laws, then it is assumed that the automobile accident, in this case, involved federal laws.
Hence, the next step is to "take the case to the United States Supreme Court"