Psychological warfare involves the planned use of propaganda and other psychological operations to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behavior of opposition groups. RAND has studied military information support operations (MISO) in many countries and war zones and has provided objective and supportable recommendations to policymakers on methods and tactics to employ or defend against these operations.
What A basically says is that the British allowed African American people to vote, since they where a minority and would never be too influential in elections.
Hope it helped
Happy homework/ study/ exam!
Lack of incentive - The lack of incentive among the colonists to complete important tasks led to the tasks not getting done. Many settlers were "gentlemanly" - Since most of the settlers considered themselves "gentlemanly", they considered the hard work of a settler "beneath" them and consequently did not get most of the basic things needed to survive done.
Expectations of finding gold - The expectations of finding gold (and mining it) led to people neglecting things such as gathering food, setting up shelter, etc. Location - The location that the settlers chose to settle in at was great for defending against naval incursions but terrible for living conditions. Bad Relations with Natives- The relations with the local Native Americans(which were all mistakenly grouped up into the Powhatan Indians) were not as good as they could be; if they had had a better relationship they could have traded for food and/or shelter which could have led to lower mortality rates