First you need to fill out the form if u got it.
Answer: mental set
Explanation: Problem solving could simply be defined as a set of processes required to proffer solution or find answers to a problem. The most commonly identified barriers to problem solving include ; confirmation bias, mental set, functional fixedness, unnecessary constraints, and irrelevant information.
In the scenario above, the barrier to problem solving the individual is failing to overcome is the mental set, which could be explained when an individual is rigid on a particular method or procedure adopted in solving previous problems. There is every possibility that, the individual was successfully able to open previous doors by pushing the door and has become inclined to the idea of pushing on all doors to gain entry.
Oo.Para wala nang iba pa na mahawaan ng mga sakit
Attitude is a standard of procedure that leads to a certain behavior. It is the realization of an intention or purpose.
According to psychology, attitude is habitual behavior that occurs under different circumstances. Attitudes determine the soul life of each individual. Attitudes are patented through a person's repeated reactions and describe our evaluations of people, objects, and ideas.
This term has particular application in the study of character as a relatively stable innate or acquired indication for feeling and acting in a particular way.