This process of making sugar and oxygen is called photosynthesis. Pond weed uses the carbon dioxide which is dissolved in the water it is in. The amount of dissolved carbon dioxide can be varied by adding sodium hydrogen carbonate (carbon dioxide solution) to the water.
I am not entirely sure about this. So maybe my response can help you find the answer a little better if my answer is not entirely right?
These last three questions are referring to everything you just worked on. So all you would have to do is refer back to your previous answers. Recall that the titles of the "part 1, 2, and 3" are titled "crossing beak color and tail-feather length", "crossing beak color and feather color", and "mapping tail-feather length and feather color".
1.List the distances between each pair of genes:
beak color and tail-feather length: 20 MU
beak color and feather color: 16 MU
tail-feather length and feather color: 4 MU
2.Which two alleles are the farthest apart?
(the one that is 20 MU apart) Y and L
3.Which two alleles are the closest together?
(the ones that are 4 MU apart) L and B
150 - 300 bp
Micrococcal nuclease, indistinctly from the time of treatment and in average organisms, will realize the cuts on DNA o RNA zones rich in AT or AU. It is not a specific endonuclease.
Even so, the mean size of the expected fragments will have between 150 bp and 300 bp.
It is very important to run your digestion along with a proper label.
Wind, an indirect form of solar energy, moves the surface currents while the surface currents itself also rotate in circular patterns due to the earth's rotational force. They are both part of the Coriolis effect.