well because we would have been more civilized back then therefore smarter, therefore catching up faster and we would be even more advanced in society today.
Also really sorry you had to wait so long.
Most nations that discuss the issue of Palestinian independence call for a "two state solution", meaning that the Jews and the Arabs would have separate states in the region.
Ariel as his name suggests is a spirit, ethereal, while Caliban is gross and bestial. Both are connected to the witch Sycorax who ruled the island before Prospero: Ariel was imprisoned by her, before being rescued by Prospero, while Caliban is her offspring. Both are servants of Prospero.
Nestled comfortably in the Arabian Peninsula, with access to trade in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa, the UAE has a long and historical relationship with the former Empire, and now country, of India. With trade and an exchange of culture, traditions and religions that stem back centuries, the UAE and India’s colourful history is one not to be brushed over when talking about the world’s most interesting international relationships.
They found it necessary to ask for financial assistance because they didn't have any one or thing to support them