Yes and no
This is somewhat opinion based question. If you grew up listening to classical then yes, but if you grew up like the majority of us with pop, hip hop, rnb, etc. No, because our ears are more accustomed to the modern music of today, also classical music has no words.
The Judge is the one who has the authority to tell the creatives that their idea of using a world championship rodeo bull rider to promote handheld kitchen appliances is not a good idea and will probably open up the agency and its client to a great deal of ridicule because the judge is appointed to decide the process, form an opinion and the outcome of the creatives case.
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<span>The meaning of life: the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.</span>
Bill of rights, but maybe not, sorry if its incorrect