No he didn’t think that they were equals. When he was president he passed a lot of legislation that hurt natives including the removal act which led to the trail of tears. He believed that white people had a god given right to the Indians land
The wide range of flora and fauna also our lovely landscape
My mother tongue is Spanish and the mantilla, the peineta and the gilet are the traditional dresses wearing in our family.- The mantilla is a traditional Spanish veil piece that is often worn during religious celebrations such as Spanish weddings etc. San Juan also known as Saint John's Day that occur every year on the eve of the 23rd of June, Spain celebrates the arrival of summer and the birth of St John the Baptist.
Government corporations are intended to carry out business activities for the betterment of the citizens of the nations. These cooperations are set up by the congress of men and unlike all other public businesses they have board of directors and a general manager.