El cuento Nido de Avispas, de Agatha Christie relata la historia de un señor enfermo, Harrison, que prentendía cometer suicidio y culpar al antiguo novio de su pareja de dicho acontecimiento al tenderle una trampa. Un viejo amigo de él que es un detective se da cuenta de lo que va a ocurrir solo por casualidad y decide impedirlo, le tiende una trampa a Harrison evitando que cometiera el suicidio mencionado y evitando que culpara al ex novio de su pareja. Harrison pensaba suicidarse debido a que sufre de una enfermedad terminal y a que se da cuenta que su amada novia había vuelto con su ex novio y era consumido por el odio de dichas situaciones. Al final el Detective regresa para terminar con el nido de avispas que se encontraba en casa de Harrison y que sería la trampa para que Harrison culpara al ex novio de su pareja cuando fuera a ayudarle a eliminarlo y le confiesa que lo salvó de cometer tanto el suicidio como de inculpar a un inocente lo cual, Harrison, agradece.
Option C, the closing of the western frontier, is the right answer.
An argument that claimed that American democracy was established by the American frontier came to be known as the Frontier Thesis. This argument was presented by historian Frederick Jackson Turner in the year 1893. He argued that the primary result of the American frontier was American democracy along with a lower interest in high culture, violence and egalitarianism.
Answer: The largest American Indian tribes lived in Central and South America. Think Aztecs, Mayas, Incas, etc. In North America, the population was less dense. Even so, the city of Cahokia was built near the modern location of St. Louis, on the Mississippi River. It had many mounds and perhaps 30,000 people at its peak. In the late 1400s, the Iroquois and Algonquin groups lived in the midwest and northeast, the Cherokee lived in the southeast, the Sioux lived in the midwest, and the cliff dwellings of the southwest were already abandoned.