Maybe never because Term insurance isn't always there when you need it. Also you can only get term at certain points in your life. Whereas whole life is always available.
1. True
2. a & c
3. b
4. a, b & c
5. a, b & c
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Commercial banks, required reserve, loans, deposits, create.
The main function of commercial banks is to accept deposits and then to lend the same money (minus required reserves) back out. Banks make a profit by charging a higher interest rate on loans than the interest rate they pay on deposits. Through the loan process, banks are actually able to create money.
The major function of commercial banks is
1. Accepting deposits from people and business organzations.
2. Giving loans to Customers to be paid at a specific period of time at an agreed interest rate.
Required reserve is the minimum amount of money which in required for a commercial Bank to hold/save out of every deposit. If the required reserve is 10% of every deposit, a customer customer deposited $100. The required will be $10 which the bank will hold. The remaining $90 is the balance which banks can loan out to Customers.
Commercial Banks make profit by charging a higher interest rate on loan and lower interest rate on deposits. For example: 7.5% interest rate on loan and 2.5% interest rate on deposits. The 5% difference is the bank Profit.