I’m not completely sure but I h try ink it has something to do with “before his imprisonment” and “while in prison”
[Hot summer weather is nice], and [high temperatures are dangerous for certain people.]
[Emily broke her ankle on the weekend] ,and [now she is in a great deal of pain.]
[Driving the car is fast and comfortable] ,and [riding a bicycle is better for one's health.]
It was a breezy night you can smell the tranquilizing smell of fresh air if you stepped outside, I was watching Netflix in my room and... I got a strange message from a random caller and i decide not to answer but when i took a peak at the message it had an attachment for a photo and my dad wasnt home from work yet which was strange so i tried to call my father but he didnt pick up the phone but instead the caller that texted me was calling me and i didnt answer intill i realized that the might have had my father so i answered and my perdiction was correct and they told me over the phone that i had an hour untill my dad wont breath again. Then i was afraid and i was in shock then i ran upstairs and tried to track where this phone call was because where ever it was my father was there......YOU FINISH THE REST I WANTED TO GIVE YOU A START AND I HAVE OTHER WORK TO DO SO I HOPED THIS HELPED LET ME KNOW