Some benefits are that you can then learn what seems to be true. If multiple sources say the same things in some way, it's probably true. Also, some sources may contain more and/or clearer information than others. Some may include quotes others cannot provide, have pictures, and maybe even videos. The more sources you have, the more (accurate) information you can get.
are there other predators in the terrarium besides the crickets? if there is then most will get eaten, or other crickets could each other
Woah. I love Fantasy so it will be fun answering your question. ^^
Now I'm guessing that the place and time might be taken in the past like maybe a long time ago where there weren't planes or trains? Since that's when a lot of folk stories and fantasy things are placed.
Just in case I'll leave some options in all time periods so you have a variety:
Ireland is a good one. In all time periods. Since there is water surrounding all sides of it there is room for mermaids. There are also cliffs there Also have you heard of the drombeg circle? Thats something popular loacted there.
I looked up some forests for your wolves Tongass National Forest, Alaska. Its an older forest..
Yakushima Forest, Japan is another one
Africa leaves a lot of options for different animal mixes since it has the most animals located there.
Hope this helps! (i spent too much time on this im sorry) :P
This is your answer:
Braille is something that blind people feel with their hands and from the certain textures they can interpret that into what it reads. It is basically a way to make reading for the blind possible!
Hope this helps!