A lot of places hun. All you have to do is look it up online. Most of the people in here will get it wrong. You can look it up.
New routes to india, east, and america. we discovered cartography, navigation, new technologies, and shipbuilding. we discovered more areas of the world
They were laws in the early history of the American south which legalized the segregation between blacks and whites.
Organizing Marxist cells, Political Rally's, Protests/Strikes and Armed Revolution.
During Lenin's time as a Revolutionary, He would travel all over Europe organizing Communist Sympathizers, Cells and Parties as to spread the "World Wide Revolution" as to overthrow the Ruling Monarchist and Capitalist's that presided over nations like Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary, The Ottoman Empire, Britain, France etc. He also during his times in Russia rallied much of the Peasantry and Lower Classes to Revolt, Protest and Strike against the ruling Tsar, Nicholas II. For the very poor state of the Economy and the General treatment of the Lower classes at the hands of the upper classes along with the Mass Famines and Starvation due to Russia's participation in WWI. He was also responsible for creating Political commentary and writings to spread to other countries to incur Revolution and create Communist parties abroad. Finally he was most well known for the October Revolution which saw the armed revolt of his Red Guards against the White Russian, Along with other supported revolutions in places like Germany, Finland, Italy, Hungary and many more.