It is a political right to communicate a person's thoughts through speech. The word freedom of expression sometimes used as a synonym but also to any behavior in the pursuit, both by speaking gesture or communication in writing whether on paper or online as well as in other forms such as music, photographs, graphics or animations, etc. It also includes the right to research, obtain, access or obtain information. wills Comments are communicated and published and convey information or ideas regardless of the medium used.
B - Slave revolts.
The revolt of Spartacus, which was also the most famous slave uprising in the history of the Roman Empire, lead to questions about the usefulness and effectiveness of the current governmental system in Rome. This, along with other factors, made them plunge into a crisis which ended through the transition to an empire.
The Depression dealt severe blows to both the construction industry and the homeowner. Between 1929 and 1933, construction of residential property fell 95 percent. Repair expenditures decreased from $50 million to $500,000. In 1932 between 250–275,000 people lost their homes to foreclosure.