A. Response
is a form of learning in which animals or people make a connection between two stimuli that have occurred together such that one predicts the other.
10-18 years old.
Different Strokes aired from 1978-1985, and Gary Coleman was born in 1968. This means that he was about 10 years old when the show first aired, and was around 18 years old when it ended.
Charlie, and the reader as well, both begin to have an inkling that his intelligence may not be permanent as he listens to Dr. Nemur's presentation in "Progress Report 13." Charlie even realizes that Nemur did not take into account his rapid rise in intelligence, and that now, Charlie may even regress into a lower IQ than before the experiment.
The first choice.
When using indirect characterization, an author does not state direct facts about a person's character, but rather describes the personality through verbal actions and gestures.
Selma keeping her eyes glue to the ground tells us that she is somewhat timid. Knowing that she avoids eye contact completely, even when someone talks to her, lets us know that Selma is shy to an extreme and perhaps antisocial.