B and c i believe are correct
I suppose this question is open to interpretation.
If I was locked in a chair, having mundane and souless music such as Robbie Williams, Mumford and Sons, or, God help us, Coldplay pumped into my ears on repeat I would go crazy rather quickly.
But there are other songs that I've listened to for years and yet still feel I'm listening to a new song each time. Estranged by Guns n Roses is one such song. The studio version has never changed. Not one bit. It's exactly the same as it was when I heard it all those years ago. But I've changed and my understanding of music and of the world have grown.
Take, in comparison, any pop song, single-layered, disposable. Coldplay are the masters of the mundane. Less cultured musical minds think they're wonderful. A Sky Full of Stars? That must be deep. Only the sky is full of stars, like the sea is full of fish and the grass is green. Such weak lyrics stand to drive me crazy in short time. There are no layers, no substance to work with.
Anyway, I didn't fully understand the question so I thought I'd take the chance to take a dump on Coldplay and pay a tribute to Guns n you Roses.
The line itself is saying that killing someone will make sure they can't hurt you, since dead men don't bite. That makes Billy's character seem like he led a rough life which is what I would answer with. He is not jovial, because that means cheerful, and the line doesn't give indication that all of Billy's friends are dead or that he doesn't like to think of the future, so I'd say answer A.