idk if it's good..
The dark-colored mice arose in the population at location A by random mutation. ... advantage over light-colored mice in that environment. • Over time, dark-colored mice became more common at location B because more of their offspring survived. to reproduce and pass on their genes, including genes for fur color.
La importancia de la ADN en la celula es que la ADN contiene las instrucciones para construir las proteinas del ADN.
La ADN tambien se puede replicar y hacer copias de ella misma en cual esto es importante porque las celulas se dividen y necesitaran una copia del ADN original para poder crear mas celulas.
Buddhism was the first of the great missionary faiths to take advantage of the mobility provided by the Silk Road to extend its reach far beyond its native ground. From its origins in north eastern India, Buddhism had already spread into the lands that are now Pakistan and Afghanistan by the 1st century BCE.
Atmosphere is the correct answer!