“As Atticus tells Jem and Scout, a mockingbird does no harm and makes music for people to enjoy. Tom Robinson is like a symbolic mockingbird because of his innocence; he has not harmed anyone and is an admirable character who offers help to others. Because Tom is not guilty, it makes it "sinful" to harm him.”
The author argues for greater recognition for hard working individuals and fewer awards for failing individuals
Sometimes it may not be accurate because it’s a recollection and not real evidence of what actually happened
Answer: The other animals decide to call Buzzard back to Galun'lati, lest the entire world become mountainous.
The animals used to stay in Galun'tai which was in the sky. They wanted to move to the earth which the water beetle had brought up from the ocean's bottom. The land was too wet for them though so they went back to the sky.
After some time they then sent the Great Buzzard who flew all over the earth to find land to settle. As his wings created mountains and valleys as stated in the excerpt, the animals became scared that the whole word would become mountainous so they called him back.