Diocletian was correct, the empire was too large to be ruled by a single man and needed at least 2 emperors to control both the East and Western half, the Eastern half had enemies such as the Sassanids and Balkan tribes to deal with while the Western half had Germanic Incursions to deal with
Kwjsjzhzhdjsjsjd I LOVE YOU HAVE A GREAT ONE!!!! u should thank me btw, i'm really SORRY;)
Mecca and Jerusalem, since Muhammad was born in Mecca and he rose up to heaven in Jerusalem
The direct outcome of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war was in favor of Israel where not only did Israel could expand her territories but the Jews also fended off the invading Arabs although most of the residents of Palestine had to flee at first.
The Arabs wanted to take complete control and were against any sort of Jewish settlements, especially in Palestine.
After the Jewish buses were ambushed, the war erupted quickly and became a civil war where both the Arabs and Jews fought against each other.
After Israel was declared independent, more lands were added which led to its expansion and the signing of the armistice by the Arabs for peace to reign in the area once again.
A. the elimination of land ownership as a requirement of citizenship
Without land ownership everything went into chaos!
But remember, during the reign of Cincinnatus he chose to give up his power. Therefore when a city conquered by Rome might become a Roman ally.