I didn't read Fahrenheit 451.
Stories come in certain points of veiw. the guy in the truck wasnt hurt in the car crash, the guy in the car was hurt. in different points of weiw it tells different stories. hope this helps:)
The author uses the line 'people suffer from afflictions that no longer exist in modern England'.
They develop the central idea by using the plague as an example of an unfamilar disease to modern man and then explained sweating sickness and why it was so scary (sufferers die within hours) and they don't know if or when it will return.
Technology is a young fast growing industry that can be dated back to 1904.
Ever since the invention of the two-element electron tube, many inventions followed. Technology was then used in the military research and then in computers and smart phones. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs of the Apple Company were able to develop their unique technologies such as the iPod and the iPhone.
The events of the radio version of the War of the Worlds take place in the United States, to be more precise in Grover´s Mill, New Jersey.
It was an adaption made by Orson Welles of 1898 H.G. Wells´s novel " The War of the Worlds". Orson adapted the story to placed it in 1939, year in which they were at the time of the broadcast transmission.
In the novel the events took place in England and are told to have happened before. But in the adaptation it was changed the place, the time and the tense in which the story was told. Orson Welles decided to told the story as it was happening in the present.