That means the man was the head of the household.
In the summer of 1794, tensions between farmers and creditors in western Pennsylvania boiled over into violence. A group of armed farmers, calling themselves the "Associators," began to attack and seize the property of anyone they saw as an enemy. In response, President George Washington dispatched a force of 13,000 militiamen to put down the rebellion.
In a report to Congress, Alexander Hamilton described the events in Pennsylvania as an "insurgent" and "insurrection." By using these words, Hamilton was trying to downplay the seriousness of the situation and avoid calling it a full-blown rebellion. He may have also been trying to avoid provoking even more violence by using language that was less inflammatory.
The situation in Pennsylvania was eventually resolved without any major bloodshed. However, the episode showed how quickly tensions could boil over into violence in the early days of the republic. It also showed the importance of having a strong central government that was able to quickly put down any internal threats to the stability of the country.
The earliest known life-forms are putative fossilized microorganisms, found in hydrothermal vent precipitates, that may have lived as early as 4.28 Gya (billion years ago), relatively soon after the oceans formed 4.41 Gya, and not long after the formation of the Earth 4.54 Gya
The implementation of the assembly line by Henry Ford at his automobile plants was extremely important. It was important because it drastically reduced the amount of time it took to produce a Ford car. Since it took less time and effort to make the car, the price of Ford's dropped significantly. This drop in price made Ford cars more available to the American public, increasing the amount of people who owned cars in the US during the 1920's.
The development of the assembly line changed everyday life for Americans in multiple ways. First, traveling became much easier as cars were now available to more Americans. Along with this, the assembly line would be a method used by thousands of other companies all across the US. This made it so that workers would need to be able to complete one repeatable task throughout the entire day.