I believe the answer is D) with his cunning tricks. Beowulf and his army pretended to be asleep when Grendel came, when in fact they were awake and waited for him to come so that they can kill him.
A isn't correct because no sword could hurt Grendel.
B isn't correct because no mocking words were said.
C isn't correct because no magic was used.
the world is going through a unique and weird stage rn
yesterday my mom called the cops on me because she found out that i had snuck out & then and texted the guy i like hes really cute sweet funny and nice & told him to leave me alone & he blocked me & now im really sad and yesterday probably made it onto the 10 worst days of my life list.
but yk its whatever im fine
The source of the speaker's creative powers comes from the beauty of the world that the poet had witnessed.
"Full Powers" is a Latin poem written by Pablo Neruda which was translated by Ben Belitt and Alastair Reid.
Pablo Neruda titled the poem "Full Powers" to demonstrate the civic life and the power of the politicians and the need of objectifying their domination. The source of the speaker's creative powers comes from the beauty of the world that the poet had witnessed.
He is put in confusion of what life really is and the existence of linguistic habits and the facade kindness of the politicians. He tries to break the political struggle through the poem, "Full Powers".
which logos we have to find?