E. It takes a picture of the brain according to oxygen levels. More oxygen in an area indicates more activity in that area.
Haemoglobin is diamagnetic when oxygenated but paramagnetic when deoxygenated. This distinction in magnetic characteristics leads to tiny variations in the blood MR signal. Since blood oxygenation differs, these variations can be used to identify brain activity depending on the concentrations of neural activity.
Unconditioned stimulus.
Classical conditioning may be defined as a type of learning procedure in which the biological procedure is used to pair up with the previous nerve stimulus. This stimulus result in the response of an individual.
The Pavlov experiment with the dog explains the process of classical conditioning. The ringing of bell (conditioned stimulus) is paired with unconditioned stimulus (meat presentation).
Thus, the meat presentation is unconditioned stimulus.
Antibiotics target the cell wall, cell membrane, and the processes of protein and nucleic acids production in bacteria to rupture the cell..