Light energy into chemical energy
Answer: population density
Explanation:The number of individuals living within that specific location determines the population density.
The uracil is present in RNA instead of Thymine
It kills insects,
Pros: less annoying weeds.
all the rodents and insects eating your crops will die
estimations show that millions of human lives have been saved from it (because bugs that carry malaria or yellow fever, or the black plague are being killed
Cons: Rodents and insects are very beneficial to the environment, so killing them harms the environment
the weeds and insects will become immune
I do not speak spanish..
La cadena de transporte de electrones es una serie de transportadores de electrones incrustados en la membrana mitocondrial interna que transporta electrones desde NADH y FADH2 al oxígeno molecular. En el proceso, los protones se bombean desde la matriz mitocondrial al espacio intermembrana y el oxígeno se reduce para formar agua.