In the poem, the speaker seems tosense quite a bit of loss of culture.The speaker’s father seems to have aconnection to his heritage, but nooutward signs of it. This suggeststhat parts of that culture may be lost.
Without TitleIt’s hard to know without the buffalo,the shaman, the arrow,but my father went out each day to huntas though he had them.He worked in the stockyards.All his life he brought us meat.No one marked his first kill,no one sang his buffalo song.Without a vision he had migrated to the cityand went to work in the packing house
since she is from he she it
I think the term is the "effect." Like cause and effect
1) we are going AROUND the house.
2) the cat is UNDER the bed.
3) did the dog go INSIDE the shed?.
4) please turn the lights ON.
5) the boy went UP the street to his house.
6) BELOW the shelf is the cats toy.
7) the animals went OUTSIDE the barn.
8) i went PAST the store on my way to the park.
9) he went BY me as i was going to class.
10) the passengers went ABOARD the train after midnight.
alright fam the rest is to you!
The objectives of the propagandist are sometimes positive. The Smokey Bear Wildfire Prevention campaign is a form of propaganda. These advertisements make an emotional plea – don’t be careless with fire or cute woodland creatures may be harmed. The campaign was incredibly successful in preventing forest fires, but it may also have contributed to the public’s aversion to controlled burning.
No matter how harmless it appears, propaganda should always be scrutinized, as it promotes decision making and action based on limited, sometimes false, information and emotional appeal. Propaganda targets and manipulates our emotions without the benefit of two-way communication or fact-based debate.