I don't see any answers in the list that are fully correct.
Henry IV did not create the Estates General. That institution had developed already in medieval France, fell out of use, but then was revived during the latter half of the 16th century, a couple decades before Henry IV came to the throne.
Henry IV did not oppress the French people but sought to build roads and improve agriculture for the betterment of France and to build the loyalty of the people to his rule.
He did overthrow the previous ruler (Henry III), but not in "totalitarian fashion." After winning the "War of the Three Henrys" in order to become king, Henry sought to bring France to peace after religious warfare. He had been Protestant but converted to Catholicism for the sake of national peace, while at the same time extending legal protections to the Protestant minority.
Under Henry IV's rule, the central government did not control "almost every aspect of life." He worked hard to consolidate and centralize power for his government, but he was not yet what we would call an "absolute" ruler.
Well, at the 52 B.C. Roman conquering of the Paris basin, it was already an important crossroads between river and road travel (a place where a major north-south route crossed the Seine river across its central island), but it is not certain that the area was the major habitation then (the nearest known major Celtic population centre was in today's Sens). Anyway, the Romans took an interest Paris' island it for its strategic position for a garrison and lightly fortified it, but when it later become a trading centre, Gallo-Roman growth spread to the Left Bank.
More land, more opportunity, potential to get more money because of gold mining.
Death as it was used to kill people during olden times