Answer: B.The author uses factual data verified by Georgetown to indicate its level of involvement with slavery
The article was about Georgetown University giving preference to slave admissions as a way of making up from the fact that the institution benefited when some slaves were sold in the past.
A public apology was later offered and descendants of the slave were to be given admission.
Therefore, option B is the correct answer.
Georgetown College was founded from the profit that was made from slave trades where slaves engage in plantation. The information was gotten from actual school records which revealed how the school was related to slavery.
D)I believe only hospice has two roots.
I <u>ate</u> fruits
My teacher <u>taught</u> well
The boys <u>wrote</u> nicely
I think this sentence is used in past but i don't what do u want?
The reasoning that Machiavelli uses in this passage is: Machiavelli uses deductive reasoning by first introducing the conclusion that new rulers must be cruel and then supporting it with evidence.
Deductive reasoning is a form of reasoning where broad generalizations are first made before specific observations are used to corroborate it.
In the passage, we see an example of deductive reasoning because a broad generalization about the cruelty of leaders was first made before examples were used to support it.
Learn more about deductive reasoning here: