They actually divide rarely, which are put in the category of G0 in the cell cycle. in G0, cells are unlikely to divide but still carry out their normal functions. some data suggests that neurons can divide but there is still research going on for this
1. Casting
2. Open reduction and internal fixation
3. Open reduction and external fixation
Casting is the process of making use of plaster-of- Paris to cure a fracture.
Open reduction, and internal fixation can be described as a situation whereby surgery is used to repair the fracture-frequently, and involves the use of metal rods, screws or plates to repair the bone. These things remain in place, under the skin, after the surgery. This procedure is adopted when the complicated fractures are not able to be realigned (reduced) by casting.
Open reduction, and external fixation is known to involve surgery to repair the fracture, and placement of a external fixation device on the limb with the fracture. This device is an external frame which supports the bone and hold it in the correct position while it is healing.
Sural neuritis or sural neuralgia is the pain or injury to the sural nerve.
A stream of nasty-tasting blood squirts from the toads eyes, straight into the coyote's mouth. The coyote steps back, shaking its head from side to side in disgust. It retreats, wiping its muzzle, while the uninjured toad skitters away to safety.