Electricity, gas, oil, and water
goods that are considered essential have a low elasticity of demand.
Well it truly all depends on your writing style if you can convince people and like proving yourself right then persuasive is a good way to go, if you like to reflect on things and experiences then reflective is for you. Simply do what ever a YOU do best, for me I would probably like to write a persuasive essay cause there pretty easy and as long as you prove your point then your all good.
Snickers- disrespectful laugh, Snares- to catch something (animal), Complexion- the skin and features of face, Confide-to tell someone something private, Benefit- a gained advantage, Volume- a publication (as a book) & Bother- to take the time to do something :) you’re welcome!
Go with me when they said toel low and then u can get meme membe rowdy man is that it
The wages that you make, after taxes have been taken out, is called your net pay