Thirstily, the glass of water was swallowed in just one gulp.
Sorry if it's wrong
You research to find out information on a subject.
The purpose of researching is to find out more about a subject. For example: If you wanted to research the soviet union for a history project you would look it up online or in books so you could find out more about the subject.
Personification: The act of making a nonhuman object (inanimate) have human features (animate). Basically what this question is asking is what is the action emphasizing. So in this case the human action is shivered, what was shivering? the stars.
Geez this'll go deep lol
I would say as a whole, probs a B+.
I have A's in every subject except math, which has a score of 87.3%.
An A- in math (at least a 90%), would give me an A- as my whole grade. Not there yet. So a B+ is what I would give myself, logically.