The answer to your question is Foot6all and hockey imcomplete sentence no verb
The obvious answer would be C. rhyme.
As you can see, each of these lines rhyme: sea rhymes with C, and me, and be. Those words sound similar, which means they rhyme. There are no metaphors (comparisons) and onomatopoeias (mimicking the sounds from nature) here, or alliterations (repetition of the same consonant) in this excerpt.
- Congress had changed the meaning of the First Amendment, rather than enforcing it.
- Congress had created a law that was not proportional to the problem it was fixing.
- Congress had taken away states’ rights by passing the RFRA.
The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 was passed in light of the Supreme Court upholding an Oregon state decision to deny two American Indian men unemployment benefits for having taken a banned substance which they normally use in their religious events.
Congress passed this bill with only 3 Senators opposing it so that it could prevent such from happening again.
The Supreme Court however ruled the Act as unconstitutional as it claimed that Congress was overexerting its powers by: changing the meaning of the First Amendment, creating a law that was disproportionate to the problems it was fixing and overexerting federal power on states and taking away their rights to manage their affairs in this regard.
The intended audience influences the tone a lot. For an example, what tone would you use for a children’s book/ A book reading to kids? You would use a playful, or funny tone to keep the children entertained. You wouldn’t likely use a strong, professional tone with them. If you was talking to group of college kids, or writing a college text books, what tone would you use? You would most likely use a professional, and serious tone since they are in college. Another little example, what tone do you usually talk to your pet in? Even though they don’t understand us, we usually talk to our furry little friends in a high-pitched voice. Why? Maybe Because we know that they have tiny minds.
Answer: main idea is mainly found in the first paragraph of a story or whatever you are reading,The first sentence often explains the subject being discussed in the passage