Where is the Parthenon located? _______________________________5.Inside the columns of the Parthenon is a space called the _____
_______. It is divided into two rooms. One room served as a _________________. The other contained a statue of which goddess, the goddess of which the temple is dedicated to? _____________________6. Who was the sculptor who created the statue of Athena?__________________7. Although the Parthenon was dedicatedto a single goddess, the building itself was a showcasefor Greek ____________and ____________________. 8. What is Greek Sculpture admired for? _____________________________________________________________9. What did the Athenians admire in their architecture? ___________________________Label the types of columns used in Greek architecture: ________________________________________________________________10. What arethe grooves on the sides of the columns called? __________________Why were these grooves important to Greek architecture? __________________________________________________11.Another name for the Greek architecture styles is called__________________because their parts and proportions are orderly and harmonious. Name the three main parts of the columns. (Basicdescription, not super detailed!)________________________________________________________________________