p it has a three-part musical form it has a repeating section and a following section this makes and this makes it a ternary form
public class TicTacToe //Defining TicTacToe class
char board[3][3] ; //Creating a 2D array instance variable
TicTacToe() //Constructor to initialize the array with " - "
for( int i = 0;i<3;i++) //Loop for the row of array
for(int j = 0;j<3;j++) //Loop for the column of array
Board[i][j] = '-'; //Assigning "-" in each cell
public char getter() //Defining getter() method to return the array
return Board; //returning the array
yes I agree with you
I have been keyboarding for the past 7 hours.
suppose i was i would tell them i dont know and walk away
in thoery this is correct
you said suppose so i answerd
there is no use in reporting or getting this taken down
nether is it right
im not stealing points
Because in thoery its an answer
<em><u>THIS IS MY PROTEST</u></em>
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