past perfect is the answeer
Q1: A Dead Drop is simply an agreed upon spot where you and your contact can leave a message for one another without actually meeting in person. They're typically used in conjunction with a “Signpost,” or a place where a signal is left which conveys the drophas been loaded.
Q2: It is used to pass items or information between two individuals (e.g., a case officer and an agent, or two agents) using a secret location. By avoiding direct meetings, they could maintain operational security.
Q3: I think...Agents but idk what type of agents.
Answer: I believe it's ANECDOTE
b. a run on
There should be a period right after water
In this play, the attorney is trying to find out what happened to Mr. Wright and how he died (apparently strangled, but suspected murdered). Mrs. Peters finds the bird, that was supposed to be in the bird cage, strangled. She interprets this as the preparation to the killing of Mr. Wright and hides the bird in a box. The fact that the ladies in the scene have agreed to not disclose the contents of the box and continue to hide it, let us know that the best answer here is option C.