yes there are lots of reasons to live your life is very important you may not feel that it is but there is.. find something..anything that may peck your interests a dog or a person vent to do something for you that makes you feel good I know this first hand had the same feeling until I got a service dog he's me best friend and we do everything together he is my reason on top of my kids
Studying English Literature opens everyone up to a world of inspiration and creativity. This is because it helps us develop skills that are very essential for today's global government. It gives us a chance to make sense of the world through stories, poems, novels, and plays. Studying literature also helps us learn and understand our cultures and others cultures. Also we learn to emphasize with characters to feel their joy and pain.
Hope this helps !
Indroduction - Washing our hands is essential to
prevent the spread of infectious
Body - Germs pass from our hands to our
mouths when we handle food with
unwashed hands. A number of infectious diseases such as
influenza, hepatitis A, or gastroenteritis
can spread from one person to another
through touch. A good practice is to wash your hands
with liquid soap for 15 to 20 seconds
or longer.
Conclusion - You can now see how just a little time
spent washing your hands can save
you from some major illnesses.