<span>If I like it:
Yes, I like this poem. It seems/feels so intimate, yet somehow I feel connected to the character.
What emotions are there:
I believe the emotions a reader would feel would be sorrow, pity, despair, grief and helplessness because he/she has no power to help the abused.
What I would add to make it better:
I probably wouldn't, perhaps start posting it publicly to sites like 'Wattpad', to get a wider perspective from public comments.</span>
In a newspaper, issues in a community would be found in:
• editorials
• columns
• letters to the editor
A relevant and engaging example would be a chart that compares the incidence of bullying in schools that use uniforms and schools that do not use uniforms.
A graph could show how the incidence of bullying cases in schools that use uniforms is less than in schools that do not use uniforms. This example would be relevant and engaging because it would be able to show that many students who do not fit into standards considered "cool" and therefore become displaced and possible victims of bullying, would be protected with the use of uniforms, in addition to being easier for those students to fit in and make friends.
political unrest and economic instability of the 1920s and the 1970s
provided an opportunity for extreme political parties to blame
more-moderate political parties or the ruling government for either not
doing enough to solve the country’s issues or for causing the problems
in the first place. In both 1920s Germany and 1970s Cambodia, these
circumstances allowed these authoritarian groups, the Nazis and the
Khmer Rouge, to climb to power.</span>
Well one reason why they struggled was because the priest had higher authority than the king himself did but I don't really know why or how it lead to the crusades in the holy land. I'm sorry I couldn't help you fully but I tried.