the negative or opposite of excited
a. hysterical
He had to toe the mark. Alice was really not unreasonable. She was just tidy and she didn't want to clean when she could prevent him from coming in with muddy shoes leaving dirt and grime all over the place, which she would later have to clean up.
I think she's thought out what she wants. He is trying to cooperate with her. Seems they have a pretty good relationship.
This is just my guess, but maybe it's because the dictators use their words to climb up and become one?
For example, Adolf Hitler was in the congress for a long time before he became a dictator. He talked and gave lots of speeches that the Germans (At the time) thought were good, so they slowly trusted him and unfortunately let him become dictator.
I wouldn't use this as an answer to a quiz or test, though.
B) to show omitted words in quotes passages