Lawrence Kohlberg (1927-1987) is an American psychologist mostly known for his theory of stages of moral development, which adapts the theory previously conceived by Piaget.
His theory states that the basis to develop an ethical behaviour is by overcoming six different steps which involve a dilemma. Each stage requires more advanced moral skills to adequately solve the dilemma. Three levels of morality are distinguished in the stages, which chronologically are the following: pre-conventional, conventional and post conventional.
In the conventional third stage is where the concept of consensus democracy plays its role. Consensus democracy is referred to the socially agreed standards which people try to resemble in their behaviour to gain acceptance and good opinions from his peers.
the sedition act and the espionage act.
The Red Scare was the fear of communism. America and the Soviet Union came out as two world powers after WW2, holding the most amount of nuclear weaponry. They were the two opponents(not including any satellite states or colonies) of the Cold War, and had opposing economic ideas, America supporting capitalism and the Soviet Union supporting Communism. Going back to the high amounts of nuclear weaponry on both sides, since there were such alarming amounts people around the world were in fear of nuclear warfare, especially those in America. American citizens often believed that the Soviet Union would strike America and attack with nuclear bombs, which increased the presence of the Red Scare.
After seizing political power in France in a 1799 coup d'état, he crowned himself emperor in 1804.
If the war never happened many unnecessary deaths could've been avoided. Also the public would've probably had more support for the president.