C. Many people feared the presence of Japanese spies after Japan had attacked Pearl Harbor.
After the Pearl Harbor attack, many Japanese American people were relocated and incarcerated in concentration camps on the west coast. The reason for this extreme measure taken by the government of the United States was that they feared that among the American citizens with Japanese ancestry there may be spies working for Japan. Around 120 000 people were interned in these concentration camps between 1942 and 1948.
What you are referring too is the Gettysburg address. But perhaps maybe you haven't heard it all over.
Lincoln explains in his speech that it is the soldiers who have given their lives, and who have fought with such valor in what they believed in, that have hallowed this ground. Soldiers on both sides, as the states which turned against the union, remained as stars on the union flag.
In other words, it is not the piece of paper that hallows the ground. Not the speech or any other source or action. It is the dedication of the men who fought there that hallowed that ground
If you wish to learn more about this, I recommend going to Gettysburg Pennsylvania just as I have. The town features great restaurants and attractions and you can learn so much from the museum and a trip to the battlefield.
Women and minorities filled the jobs that opened up to them for the first time.
you would hope that people as individulas could recognize the importance of a government that is fair and representative in all aspects unlike a facist dictatorship. facist governments often supress the rights of the people and the constitution is a political spear head that was created to help prevent facism in the united states, although as times have changed so have peoples perspective on things which has made it easier for people to simply subscribe to what ie easiest and not what is right.